Greenland Expeditions to the Sermilik Fjord

Dates 2022:


Dear sport fishermen,

In 2021, the first expedition to the Sermilik Fjord finally took place again – after a break of eight years, believe it or not. A tour that will surely remain in the memories of all participants for a lifetime. Unforgettable impressions of the simply overwhelming nature – plus we caught some very good fish as well.

Greenland Expeditions to the Sermilik Fjord, Global Fishing Adventures
Greenland Expeditions to the Sermilik Fjord, Global Fishing Adventures

The Sermilik Fjord (the word “Sermilik” comes from the Inuit language and means “place of glaciers”) is supplied by several large glaciers and consequently carries huge icebergs, which alone is an experience in itself.

In addition, this is a region that was and still is almost completely undeveloped for sport anglers. Apart from a handful of anglers who have been there with us so far, practically no one has done any sport fishing there.


General Information
On this tour we are planning to go to some very unusual places, whereby the weather conditions will primarily decide where we will go to which places. We plan to fish for 3 days from Tasiilaq, where we have regularly landed numerous and capital spotted rockfish in recent years. We also plan a trip to the Knud Rassmussen glacier – a hotspot for Greenland halibut.

Greenland Expeditions to the Sermilik Fjord, Global Fishing Adventures
Greenland Expeditions to the Sermilik Fjord, Global Fishing Adventures

The other 4 days will be spent at the ICECAMP on the Sermilik Fjord — a place that could hardly be more extraordinary. Even the impressive pictures and the video from the last tour only give a rudimentary impression – you simply have to experience such a place!

The Innuits have been able to catch redfish in the 10-15 kg weight class in this region and we were also able to coax a few big ones from the depths on our last trip. As already mentioned, apart from one (short) attempt by us, no one has fished here with rod and reel so far – so it is absolutely pioneering spirit that is called for. Some of the spots – especially for the big redfish – are very deep (up to 500-600 metres). This tour is therefore only for deep-sea fishing enthusiasts. It is up to you whether you fish with an electric reel or by hand.

More information about the destination Greenland – boats, accommodation and many photos — here on our website under Destinations/GREENLAND

…or simply click on the photo next to it…

Planned programme flow :

Departure from Germany to Reykjavik/Iceland. Hotel overnight stay in a double room.

Further flight to Kulusuk/Greenland. Then boat transfer to our first starting point – usually Tasiilaq, where we will spend the next 3 days.

Fischen an den Seewolf-Plätzen außerhalb Tassilaqs. An einem Tag ist eine Tour zum Knud Rassmussen Gletscher geplant (Schwarzer Heilbutt). Unterbringung in Ferienhaus in Tassilaq. Vollverpflegung.

Drive to ICECAMP on the Sermilikfjord. On this day we will also do some fishing. Accommodation in 2-man cabins at ICECAMP. Full board.

Fishing on the Sermilikfjord. Mainly deep sea fishing (redfish + Greenland halibut) will be the focus here. But there are also a few shallower spots for catfish. We will fish on board the SUMMIT or SULUK with 4-5 anglers on board (about 8 hours each) for the Arctic sea predators – under weather conditions, of course.

Drive back to Kulusuk. Then flight to Reykjavik Overnight stay in Reykjavik.


Return flight from Keflavik to Germany and return home

  • Flight Germany – Keflavik (h/r) incl. taxes
    2 x hotel accommodation Reykjavik (1 x each way)
    Flight Reykjavik-Kulusuk (h/r) incl. taxes
    Transfer to ICECAMP
    7 nights accommodation in ICECAMP or cottage in Tasilaq
    Full board*
    6 days fishing (approx. 8 hours each) on board “SUMMIT”, resp. “SULUK”.
    Accompaniment: Kai Witt, Global Fishing Adventures

    *We have full board during the time in Greenland. This includes the following: Food will be provided for breakfast and packed lunch (self preparation). In the evening we have a hot meal in the camp or in the cottage.

Price per person: Only € 4.299,-.

Not included:

  • Meals on Iceland
  • If necessary or requested:
  • Extra overnight stay on Iceland
  • Costs for oversized luggage
  • Tips
Greenland Expeditions to the Sermilik Fjord, Global Fishing Adventures
Greenland Expeditions to the Sermilik Fjord, Global Fishing Adventures