FIshing for Porbeagle Shark and huge Skates in Northern of Ireland
One of the most beautiful coastal landscapes in Northern Europe: Steep cliffs, gently curving fileds, green mountains – not seldom used as film set for world famous Hollywood movies — all this you can find in the very North of Ireland.
A destinations that suits particularly for sea anglers who love the waters of the Northern hemisphere.
The starting point is the small port of Portrush in the far north of Northern Ireland.

Fishing adventure NORTHERN-IRELAND
Particularly exciting is, that the main target fish are a bit different in comparison to the fishing in Norway or Iceland – and because of the huge biodiversity, you have a good chance of catching a lot of different interesting species.
To name the first and foremost sportfish and fishing adventure in NORTHERN-IRELAND this area: The Porbeagle Shark, which occurs in these waters in numbers like hardly in any other place on our planet. In the main season you have a very good chance to catch them almost every day — sometimes even more then one Shark per day — assuming that the weather conditions allow to fish at the hot spots.

Also Tope (15-20 kg)and Dogfish, which are very common.
There are of course not only Sharks in Northern Ireland – in addition to the Cod, Haddock, Coalfish and Pollock (which are not found here in sizes not as large as you are used to from Norway or Iceland), you can also see giant Rays ( Common Skate ).
There are also numerous flatfish like Plaice and Turbot.
You will fish on board the “Predator” with skipper Hamish Currie, who has been fishing trips in NORTHERN-IRELAND waters of Northern Irelands for decades. There is very much unlikely any other boat that caught so many Porbeagle Sharks, as the Predator did. Hamish is a very much experienced captain who knows each little detail for being a successful fisherman. On top he is a passionate sport angler himself and knows exactly the expectations of his guests.

Boats charter
Season: Beginning of July until mid of August for the Porbeagle Shark. After this and for the rest of the year the boat charters targets mainly huge Skates.

How to get fishing travel NORTHERN-IRELAND
By plane to Belfast. From there you continue by rental car.
By car there are several options/routes to fishing travel in NORTHERN-IRELAND, for example via France and then by ferry Calais-Dover and further on from Holyhead to Dublin, or from Cherbourg directly to Ireland (Rosslare).
We gladly assist you with your travel planning.
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The Predator
30 feet, walkaraound with a lot of space for fishing up to 6 anglers. A 315 HP Yamaha engine accelerates the Predator to a cruising speed of 19 knots and a top speed of 29 knots – thus she is probably the fastest charterboat along the entire North Irish coastline. Much more important than the speed is, that the Predator behaves very gentle cruising through the waves – especially when the sea is more rough. Modern nautical and safety equipment are obvious.

Skipper Hamish Currie is well known for many years being a very experienced fisherman – particularly for the fishing for Porbeagle Shark and huge Skates. After he got biten by a big Shark into his boot (which was fortunately equipped with a steel cap), he made it even on Irish television.
Bed&Breakfast Accommodation
We can offer you fully equipped apartments as well as hotel accommodation in Portrush. The apartments are fully equipped for self-catering. Otherwise there are of course numerous restaurants, seafood bars and pubs in Portrush where you can go out to eat in the evening.