After the first group had already achieved really good results this year, but had to fight with pretty tough conditions (wind/waves), the second group was now at the start. Again 2 anglers who were not afraid of a trip to Africa even in Corona times – and who were more than rewarded. |

Perfect conditions with calm seas and extremely bite-happy Giant Trevallies (GTs) gave the two a fishing experience that is sure to stick in their bones for some time to come. At least in their memories: Right in the first drift a double drill – each a 40 kg GT… what a start! Numerous drills with gigantic fish followed over the next few days. In the end, only the really big fish were counted: 7 x over 40 kg, 2 x over 50 kg and a monster of 60 kg… In addition, there were several barracudas, the biggest of which measured about 1.50 metres. Unbelievable…
A small anecdote was reported on the side, illustrating how greedy and aggressive the GTs apparently were: A hooked, medium-sized barracuda was followed by a “GT bomber” during the drill. Initially, only the big shadow could be seen, but the GT followed the drilled barracuda all the way to the boat – without attacking the popper or the hooked fish, though. At first at least… As the 2 angler had just reeled in and both fish had in the meantime reached the side of the boat, he simply threw his popper overboard so that it floated on the surface. The popper was immediately inhaled by the GT with a big gush and a fight by hook or by crook began. In the end, there was another 100-pounder lying on the deck… |